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Piraten gegen Rechtsextremismus - Landesverband Bayern

"Totalitäre, diktatorische und faschistische Bestrebungen jeder Art lehnt die Piratenpartei Deutschland entschieden ab." So steht es in §1 unserer Satzung.

Diese Selbstverpflichtung in die Tat umzusetzen, ist der Anspruch der "Piraten gegen Rechtsextremismus" im Landesverband Bayern

Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

I Will Survive: Dancing Auschwitz

Zu Holocaustgedenktag 2012

This clip complements the previous two clips in the series 'I Will Survive: Dancing Auschwitz.'
In June 2009, I, together with my father, my four children and niece, travelled to Poland to retrace my parents' past. While on a cattle wagon at Radagost Station in Lodz, my father experiences flashbacks. He reenacts the memory of his three-day journey in a similar cattle wagon, heading to Auschwitz, 65 years earlier, and appears to enter a trancelike state. In his native tongue, he carries on an improvised dialogue with the imaginary peasants he passed on the way.
This clip also raises my own personal concerns as a Jew. I ask my father: 'Do I look like a 'JEW?' I ask my mother: 'If you had your time again, would you choose to be Jewish?' and I ask my daughter: 'What did you feel when you returned to Australia?'

"Zu "I will survive" tanzt der 89-jährige Auschwitzüberlebende Adolek Kohn in einem Video vor der Kulisse mehrerer KZs und ist so zum Youtube-Star geworden." -> quelle taz

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